Blick in die Ausstellung im Kindermuseum: Eine kiosk-ähnliche Holzhütte mit Wimpelkette und Schildern under Leuchtschrift "Könnomat" © Edwin Scharff Museum, Quelle: Edwin Scharff Museum

Thursday 12.03.2026

01:00 PM - 06:00 PM

Edwin Scharff Museum

Petrusplatz 4

89231 Neu-Ulm

Was DU alles kannst

Forschungsreise in die Welt der Tätigkeiten

A hands-on exhibition by the Edwin Scharff Museum Neu-Ulm October 27th 2024 – September, 13th 2026 Where wood shavings fall and where you juggle with words, where your music plays and where you do something good for others - this is where your personal journey begins. Take your own measurements, let fluffy feathers fly, find out how to help the croaking raven or how to crack a difficult code. Figure out where you feel most comfortable ... ... maybe in the carpenter's workshop where you work with your hands ... at a place, where you look after others or others care for you ... perhaps where words are hiding and where you discover or invent your own language ... or in the room of creativity where your imagination runs wild? Discover all the things that you can do. Listen to yourself and to what your inner voice is telling you to experience what each activity feels like. The different hands-on stations guide you through the vast expanse of possibilities. ---------------------- With an emphasis on four topics the exhibition's main focus is on trying things out intuitively and working playfully. Whether something comes to you easily, is especially satisfying or you are passionate about – you can build on this in your life in general. This experience might lead to an honorary position, a fulfilling hobby or even a paid job – an activity that makes you feel: 'I can achieve something here'. In cooperating with others, you realise that everybody has their own strengths and that most things work best in a team. The multi-sensory experience is accompanied by creative reflective tasks. The lovingly designed rooms are a playful and stimulating environment for experimenting and for new experiences, no matter what age you are.


Venue Organizer

Edwin Scharff Museum

Petrusplatz 4
89231 Neu-Ulm


Phone: (0731) 70502555


Note: wheelchair accessible

For more accessibility information, visit or directly at the venue or the organizer. Please understand that construction works and moves often result in changes.

Edwin Scharff Museum

Petrusplatz 4
89231 Neu-Ulm


Phone: (0731) 70502555


Edwin Scharff Museum